Welcome to the Somerset College Creative Writing Club Web Page. As you read on you will come across original poetry and prose - written by students at Somerset College who are members of the club.
We meet in workshop sessions where we workshop and create original poetry and prose. We perform our verse at coffee shops around the Gold Coast and we do the occasional public performance. Our last performance was on March 1st 1997 held in the Performing Arts Theatre of the College and was a resounding success. We also enter literature competitions and send our work to magazines in the hope of being published. We are a group of committed writers. The contact for the club is the founder Mr Michael Brohier, who can be reached on mbrohier@somerset.qld.edu.au. Comments, suggestions and ideas would be most welcome.
All artwork is originally designed by Adam Johnson (Grade 12)
Web Page graphics and design by
Katie Burford and John Lai