Here you'll find some sample questions similar
to the ones used in the actual SIG, so have a go!
Q: Where are the answers to the questions
on this page?
A: The answers are out there on the Internet,
and once you come to the right sites, you'll know whether you've found
the right answer : )
Q1: What is the height of American basketball
player Michael Jordan?
Q2: In which year did the 'unsinkable' ship
Titanic hit an ice berg and sunk?
Q3: Who directed the hit movie "Ace Ventura"?
Q4: Who was the first man to play the role
of the Phantom in the musical The Phantom of the Opera in the original
London production?
Q5: In which year(s) did tennis player Rod
Laver won all 4 Glam Slams in one year?