What is SIG all about?
A: SIG stands for ‘Somerset Internet Games.’
It is a new inter-House competition that is similar to ‘Sale of the Century,’
except you can use the internet to find the answers.
When is SIG on?
A: SIG will be held in the first two weeks of term four, so get your entry forms in and start practising! SIG will take place in the lunch times, spanning over 3 lunch times a week for 2 weeks. However, which lunch times SIG will take place have yet been confirmed. The SIG Committee is considering Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday lunch times for the first week, and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on the second week, with the Grand Final on the Wednesday. However if you are really keen on entering
SIG and have other commitments on those lunch times, please send an email
to the SIG Coordinator at johnlai@ozemail.com.au
for consideration for possible alternate arrangements.
What is the “Bug”?
A: There are 13 categories of questions
to choose from, and behind one of those categories is a Bug. If you are
unlucky enough to pick up the bug, you lose your ‘choosing advantage.’
What is the ‘choosing advantage’?
A: When it’s your team’s turn to choose
a category, you have the ‘choosing advantage’. If you have the ‘choosing
advantage’, and you’re lucky enough to be the first team to find the right
answer, you get a total of 3 points for that question.
What is the ‘SIG Communicator’?
A: SIG Communicator is a program written by the SIG Coordinator to allow your answers to be instantly submitted to a judge through the Internet. When you find the answer to a question, you will need to type the answer into the SIG Communicator, and your answer will be immediately sent to the judge for checking.
How can I enter SIG?
A: Talk to your Head of House and ask for
an entry form. Remember that there must be 2 students in a team, and entry
is strictly limited to 5 teams per house. Your Head of House will have
the final say about who’s in the teams.
Q: I'm a member of
staff, can I still enter SIG?
A: YES!! At Mr Arnison's request, there
will be a team of teachers at each of the first rounds.
Q: What do I get if
I win?
A: If you just win your first round, you've got $20 in your pocket already. If you then go on to win the Grand Final, you'll win another $60 and a trophy for your House. That's $80 for the Grand Winner! Prizes total up to $160, and for no entry fees, it's really up for grabs!
Q: Are there any entry
A: NO! Entry is absolutely FREE!